1. Step by step concepts and code implementation as Jupyter Notebooks.
2. Input data-set to practice.
We have applied various modes of learning in our coding courses. It includes ready made code files, input dataset, exercises and online sessions. Some courses have also got project at the end of the term.
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Data Science &
Machine Learning With
instructor led course

Unlock your potential as a Data Scientist and carry out Machine Learning tasks with Agilytics.
The journey starts by getting an understanding of the Python language in `the Jupyter-based lab environment.
You will elevate your Python skills to a new level with this interactive, hands-on course and establish your mastery of Data Science and analytics techniques using Python programming.
You will master Machine Learning techniques, including supervised and unsupervised learning and hands-on modeling rounding out your Data Science education.
You will be building informative, useful and beautiful visualization dashboards, using Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries in Python.
You will get complete study materials of Jupyter Notebook examples and Data-sets along with presentation files and online sessions via video conferencing.
₹ 30000
Tenure: 12 Weeks
Statistics for Data Analytics using R Programming Language

R is one of the leading programming languages for data analytics. It is known that data analytics requires strong command over Statistics.
R makes it a lot easier and quicker to solve the Statistics problems.
All you need is to have good command over R to apply in resolving real-world data analysis issues.
This course will follow step-by-step learning methodology to make you R programming language expert to solve Statistical data analytics problems.
R offers the best and highly efficient Statistics environment to the Statisticians. That is the reason it is known as Statistics R language. R provides a variety of functions that help the data scientist to perform Statistics and probability functions i.e., parametric distributions, compute summary Statistics, and many more.
₹ 10000
Tenure: 4 Weeks
Applied Geo-analytics

GIS/Spatial analysis/Geo-analytics is the collection, display and manipulation of location based data or geo-data, such as street addresses, zip codes, satellite images and GPS coordinates.
Geo-analytics helps to uncover location based insights by overlaying maps with layers of location and business data, such as sales figures or transit times in order to visualize, analyze, and get a more complete view of the data.
In this course in module I, you will get comprehensive information about geo-analytics and techniques.
Growth in geo-analytics is driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, the cloud, and the integration of geospatial information systems (GIS) with business intelligence (BI) and analytics platforms.
₹ 10000
Tenure: 4 Weeks
Hands-on Data Analytics with
Scikit-Learn & Tensorflow

This training assumes that you know close to nothing about Data Analytics. Its goal is to give you the concepts, the intuitions, and the tools you need to actually implement programs capable of learning from data.
We will cover a large number of techniques, from the simplest and most commonly used such as linear regression, to some of the Deep Learning techniques that regularly win competitions using actual production-ready Python frameworks
1. Scikit-Learn:
It implements many Data Analytics algorithms efficiently
2. TensorFlow:
It is a complex library for distributed numerical computation using data flow graphs. It makes it possible to train and run very large neural networks efficiently by distributing the computations across potentially thousands of multi-GPU servers.
Tenure: 1 Week
₹ 2500

Python With Pandas

Pandas is a Library in Python which is very useful as it provides relational database kind of structure for handling data.
It is widely used for data manipulation.
Pandas is built on the Numpy package and its key data structure is called the DataFrame.
DataFrames allow you to store and manipulate tabular data in rows of observations and columns of variables.
₹ 2500
Tenure: 1 Week
Web Scraping in Easy Steps Using Python

A web-page is a piece of HTML code which is sent by the Web Server to our Browser, which in turn converts into the beautiful page. Now, to get some selected tags or items we need to get hold of this html page.
In this course, you will learn how to extract information within the html tags using Python programming language.
As part of this learning you will scrape a live website and try to access the required information from it in a step by step process, which can be divided into following three parts: -
1. Requesting a web-page
2. Analyzing the tags
3. Getting the required content.
₹ 3000
Tenure: 1 Week
The React JS Expertise

React JS is the best bet for a developer's job. React JS has gained a lot of popularity among technical companies across the globe recently and the credit goes to its extensive nature and resourcefulness, superb documentation, ever growing developer resources.
With this React JS coding course, you will learn to create components, handle state and props, utilize event listeners and certain life cycle methods to update data as it changes.
React JS combines HTML with JavaScript functionality to create its own markup language, JSX.
Agilytics will introduce you to all of React JS concepts and how to implement them for use with your own projects.
By the end of 6th week, you will be confident of calling yourself the React JS Expert.
Tenure: 6 Weeks
₹ 15000
IoT Algorithms & APIs

Developer Associate
Considering that 80% of devices will be IoT devices, IoT has the greatest potential to advance society since the Industrial Revolution.
APIs provide the ability to glue and integrate services, leaving developers to focus on application interaction vs. the applications themselves.
With the Developer Associate Certificate program in IoT, you will be at the forefront to develop IoT.
You will design and develop APIs to integrate various IoT components.
The real trick in an Internet of Things product is moving data in an efficient and fast way—so at the heart of any IoT implementation rests the API(s)
You will get: -
Detailed text and video tutorials for every lesson inside the course — regardless of whether you learn best via video or text, we have you covered
High-quality, well documented source code with line-by-line explanations (ensuring you know exactly what the code is doing).
Pre-configured Jupyter Notebooks
Tenure: 7 Weeks
₹ 17500